Boosting your group's participation

three boys wearing blue sports kit playing handball in an indoor gym

Now your group is up and running, and you have all the essentials in place, it’s time to see what you can do to make things run even better.

In this section you can find out all about growing your group and engaging your community.

Your participants

boy and man in a swimming pool

This is why your group exists, your participants are your reason for existence. Reaching more of your group’s target audience and keeping those participants you have engaged is an ever changing challenge.

You may need to consider extra training for activity leaders in how to manage a group of young people. Whilst coaches may have skills in a sport or activity, other areas such as tackling bullying, diffusing conflict and supporting young people’s mental health can be new and challenging for your adult volunteers.

Engaging participants

Embedded in your community

girl wearing blue headscarf playing basket ball in an indoor gym

Your community is where you work your magic. Growing strong links can help to boost your participation from both youth members and adult volunteers.

Learn more about how to develop those links and really be a part of your community.

Your community

Volunteers and activity leaders

Amputee man running on a beach

The activities your group provides can’t happen without your adult helpers.

Make sure you have enough leaders by ensuring they are well supported and trained.

All volunteer led groups are struggling with recruiting enough adult volunteers across the UK, check out these resources from NCVO.



young woman playing badminton

So you have all your pieces in place, with leaders, training and a good programme of activities. 

Make the most of your fantastic efforts and make sure everyone knows about your group.

Here’s some tips and advice on getting your message out there.

Marketing resources