We are pleased to offer the 20% discount on the licence fee to all Sported members, except where the organisation:
- Has a turnover higher than £500k
- Already has a discount by being a member of another Upshot partnership (for example: London Youth)
- Already has a licence below £1,000pa (+VAT)
- Are membership organisations themselves.
We will offer the discount to all eligible Sported members who already have an Upshot licence when their licence is up for renewal, however we will not refund any organisations.
Our annual licence fee starts at £1,000pa (+VAT), but it can be higher depending on the size of the setup, and the organisational turnover. Additionally, there is a consultancy fee which is £595 per day which covers setup, configuration, possibly data migration and training. We would expect most Sported members to require between 2-3 days.