Views - Manage your data and measure impact easily - 10% discount for Sported members

two people looking at documents

Views is a smart and intuitive online platform which makes managing data and measuring impact easy. 

Views was built to help charities, non-profits and social purpose companies collect, organise, and analyse data on a single platform. Powerful yet user-friendly, Views can be used to manage contacts, record attendances, conduct surveys, and generate real-time reporting at the click of a button. 

Views is currently helping over 750 organisations measure their effectiveness, including StreetGames, Mind, Manchester City Council, Liverpool FC Foundation, Groundwork, Greater Sport, Greenhouse Sports, and over 100 Sported members working across the UK. 

Views is: 

  • Secure – data is fully encrypted and password-protected. Anonymisation and data protection tools help you manage and store your data in a secure way. 
  • Flexible – fields, forms and terminology can be easily adapted to suit your data and reporting needs. 
  • Accessible – the system is available across multiple devices and includes options for both online and offline data collection. 
  • User Friendly – View is designed to be intuitive and easy-to-use, with a simple layout and fast navigation. 

Sported members can get a 10% discount off their first year using the code SPORTEDVIEWS10! Visit the Views website to request a demo and find out more about pricing and features. 

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