Telling your story effectively
How you can present your story effectively to funders using theory of change
How you can present your story effectively to funders using theory of change
UK Funding Bulletin Find funds specific to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland Further information and resources can also be found in Fundraising. All funds listed on this page are
Get catering/cleaning/activity equipment, prizes, clothing and who knows what else at a fraction of RRP
Events can be a great way to connect with your community as well as raise some funds. Find out all about setting up an event.
Crowdfunding webinar
Matchfund your project with Sport England and Crowdfunder – up to £10,000.
Get bookings for your premises and sessions with FREE admin platform from Played
Use your community to raise funds for your group. This guide has
Charity Number – 1123313
Scottish Charity Number – SC043161