Northumbria University student volunteer/club matching webinar

Blue event graphic text reads "North East" and "Northumbria University student volunteer / Club matching webinar" and "Wednesday 15 January at 12:00pm - 1:00pm"

Join up with student volunteers from Northumbria University

Following a successful and informative event for NE Sported Members at Northumbria Uni in November; Dr John Hayton and the University team ran a lunchtime webinar to reach those unable to make the in person session in November

The session was about a potential University programme to match sport for development students with groups and clubs in the region that are delivering physical activity.  As you often tell us that finding and retaining volunteers, coaching staff, etc. is an issue, this seems like an idea worth exploring!  A win /win situation, ideally for students and clubs. 

You can download the slides from the session here.

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