#OpenGoal is a shared advocacy framework which members of the Coalition have co-designed in order to showcase their collective impact against a series of specific health and societal outcomes. These include:
- Improved health and wellbeing – in two leading sport for development organisations, participants on StreetGames’ Doorstep Sport programme with greatest increase in wellbeing saw 11% of participants with high wellbeing at the start of the project increase to 74% at follow-up. The impact of Dame Kelly Holmes Trust sport-based mentoring programme saw an overall increase of 7.5% in mental wellbeing across all programmes.
- Closing the gap in education and development – Youth Sport Trust’s National PE, School Sport and Physical Activity Survey found 87% of schools considered that sport makes a positive contribution to achievement, and 65% to attainment.
- Increased employability and skills – 59% of 8,500 participants across seven sport for development initiatives progressed into education, training or employment opportunities over a 12-month period.
- Reduced crime and anti-social behaviour – numerous sport-based early intervention initiatives consistently report more than 70% of participants have reduced offending and anti-social behaviour. The average re-offending rate in the five initiatives for 18 to 21-year-olds focused on in the Sporting Chance Review of Sport in Youth and Adult Prisons was 11.6% which is significantly lower than the national average of 26%.
- Stronger communities and social cohesion – 62.3% of participants either ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’ that they feel like they belong to their neighbourhood. This is 3.4% higher than the national average of 58.9% (based on 555 responses from the Coalition’s Collective Survey Tool).