Paul Steele
Paul was responsible for launching Sported within the Yorkshire and Humber Region in 2011. Paul spent the prior 10 years within the business start-up and growth advisory field including Social Enterprise start up and growth with a specialism in legal structures, business, and financial planning.
Paul has taken a lead on a range of initiatives including creating and delivering the successful national Boxing sustainability programme, Box On and more recently has taken a lead on asset investment programmes in conjunction with key funders for the sector.
Paul enjoys spending time with his family, and in his own time has volunteered for competitive swimming teams, local football teams and athletic clubs as well as taking part in 5 a side football regularly.
Paul is passionate about the power of sport within our communities and the role that sport can play to support young people in their personal and emotional development, particularly on their journey to adulthood and the influence local community organisations can be a catalyst to achieving this.