Policies and procedures
Complaints Procedure
Sported aims to be efficient, polite and supportive in everything we do. If you think we have treated you unfairly, made mistakes or given you the wrong advice, we have a complaints procedure. You may be disappointed if we turn down your application but you cannot use the complaints procedure to appeal against our decision if we have followed our process correctly. Making a complaint will not affect your chances of getting a grant and it will not affect the level of service you receive. If your enquiry is made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or it is appropriate to deal with the enquiry in accordance with that Act, Sported will endeavour to acknowledge receipt of the enquiry with 5 working days and respond with the prescribed period of 20 working days. If you however are not satisfied with the way an enquiry has been handled or you feel that we have treated you unfairly, made mistakes or given the wrong advice and you wish to make a complaint then please follow the process outlined below: Send your complaint via letter or email to: We will then endeavour to acknowledge receipt of the enquiry with 5 working days and respond within the prescribed period of 20 working days.
Send your complaint via letter or email to:
Sported Foundation
4th Floor
Marathon House
190 Great Dover Street
Sported Privacy Policy
Sported is committed to ensuring all personal information we collect is used appropriately for the purpose it was provided for and that it is safe and secure.
This Policy set outs our commitments to you, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (commonly known as the GDPR) and explains how we collect, store and use your personal information.
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Copies of our current privacy notices can be found below:
Sported's Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)
Over the last few years Sported has amplified its work in inclusion. We have set the
ambitious target of broadening our membership by 50% by 2027.
Our thinking is that by doing this we can have a greater level of impact within our communities that have been historically under-served. We are committed to making things happen in our communities and will approach this in an integrated way to ensure that we can meet the needs of our members. Whilst our EDI & People Team and Inclusion Champions ensured we are integrated
in our planning this plan is one that belongs to all of us.
The third version of our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan is intended to supercharge our commitment in inclusion.
Sported Environmental Policy
Sported will be proactive when it comes to environmental sustainability and lead by example in our sector.
Amid a climate change emergency and a global waste crisis, we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and to supporting our members with their efforts to become more environmentally sustainable.
As an organisation whose social outcomes align closely with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we recognise we could be doing more against the environmentally-focused SDGs both as an organisation and for our network.