Sandra Hillyard
Sandra Hillyard’s career in the North East voluntary and community sector has spanned over 13 Years.
Sandra’s interest in the sector began whilst studying for her BSc in Psychology at Northumbria University. This enabled Sandra to engage in a range of volunteering roles, and has resulted in a deep seated passion for the sector and region.
Since then Sandra has undertaken a variety of roles building experience from grassroots level through to infrastructure level. Sandra has working for a range of well-respected North East organisations including Community Foundation Serving Tyne and Wear and Northumberland, Newcastle CVS and Quality of Life Partnership/Age UK Newcastle.
Sandra is passionate about organisational development, volunteering, and skills development. Her strengths include partnership development, stakeholder engagement, overcoming challenges and empowering individuals and communities to reach their potential.
Sandra has experience of establishing new services, managing volunteers, supporting organisations, service provision and grant assessment, fund and project management as well as service re-modelling, funding and strategic development.
Sandra has a keen interest in social leadership and has been leading and growing Sported in the North East since 2011.
Sandra is currently on maternity leave.
For volunteer enquiries please email