Sported awarded new National Lottery Heritage Fund grant

By Sported |  31st August 2021

Sported is delighted to announce that we have been selected to receive a new grant for the ‘Sport in the Community: Shaping NI for 100 Years’ project, from the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The project will be primarily focused on capturing the impact of grassroots sport across communities in Northern Ireland.  We will be analysing archive materials, holding interviews with stakeholders across the sector, carrying out surveys and focus groups with our Northern Ireland network. Capturing this local heritage, we will compile a report, which will comprise video footage, written reports and case studies, to showcase the impact of local sport.

Made possible with Heritage Fund round stamp

“We are delighted to receive this grant from the National Lottery Heritage Fund. It means that we will be able to invest in demonstrating the life-changing impact grassroots sports has had in communities across Northern Ireland.

The project will showcase the value and impact of sport in areas extending beyond ‘increasing participation’, contributing to increased recognition of the value of grassroots sport in addressing some of Northern Ireland’s most challenging issues, (such as community cohesion, mental health and inclusion) and highlighting the role it continues to play in building local communities.”

-Judith Rankin, Sported’s National Manager in Northern Ireland

The project will increase the number & range of individuals involved in celebrating local heritage, increasing the awareness of the impact of local grassroots sport in shaping communities in Northern Ireland.  Participating Sported groups will receive support from the Sported team to increase their skills in this area, to continue explorations beyond the project timeframe.

The project commences in September, with the final report published in summer 2022. Information around focus group events and opportunities to contribute to the report will be shared across our social media channels and shared with our NI Sported network groups.   

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