Why are you so important to our network?
Sported members are run by an incredible group of passionate and dedicated people. These group leaders and staff are brilliant role models, skilled coaches and do amazing work in their communities. Where they often lack support or simply time, is around the organisation’s development; things such as business planning, financial management, marketing or governance. These often get overlooked, but are fundamental for the group’s long term sustainability. It’s here where you make a difference.
Using the professional and/or lived experience and skills you already have, we will provide you with a range of opportunities to support these group leaders to overcome operational challenges and better equip their groups for the future.
There are lots of different ways to get involved.
Meet your local contact
There are local Sported staff based in your nation/region who will be your main contact. They have excellent working knowledge of the community sport sector and are great to bounce ideas off.
Haven’t had a chance to meet them yet? Find them in our Staff Directory or Send us a message and we can introduce you.