
Cash4Clubs is a small grants scheme set up in 2008 to support local sports clubs.
Distributing around £5million so far, the programme has generated positive impacts for hundreds of thousands of people across the UK and Ireland.
Sported was delighted to team up with Cash4Clubs to deliver another round of funding in 2024.
Grants of £2000 (€2000 in Ireland) were awarded to community organisations working with adults from under-represented communities, delivering sport or physical activity for social purpose. 
The 2024 programme exclusively focused on supporting adult clubs, offering funding support to groups that deliver activities to over 18s only.
Funding was unrestricted with an outcome of increasing participation, meaning clubs were able to decide how best to use the grant to engage more adults from their local communities.  
wheelchair basketball player
group of female boxers
How to apply?
The Cash4Clubs grant programme is now closed. Please check back as we hope to have further funding available later this year!
From our 2023 grant programme, we delivered:
200 community and voluntary groups across the UK and Ireland accessed funding support
£400,000 distributed
50 different sports funded
29,541 people reached through funded groups
8,923 new adults taking part in sport and physical activity with Cash4Clubs funding

Read more about our work.