Kevin McCool face pic

Apply to the Kevin McCool Memorial Fund

Stef Reid and a group of young people on a running track

Sported are partnering with the McCool family to deliver a grants programme in memory of Kevin McCool, who was a keen cross-country runner.

The Kevin McCool Memorial Fund aims to increase participation in athletics across Mid-Ulster, promoting inclusivity and developing the capacity of local groups.

Grants of up to £2,000 will support projects and initiatives that address local need, promote social inclusion, and help strengthen communities through cross-community engagement.

Applications will be open to apply on 24 March 2025.

Any enquiries should be directed to

Who can apply?

Groups must be based in Mid Ulster and delivering cross-country and/or track & field athletics to be eligible for funding.

  • Applicants must demonstrate that they are using sport for social purposes. We will prioritise applications focused on projects and initiatives that promote social inclusion and enhance quality of life for those living in area of social deprivation.
  • Applicants should demonstrate that they promote cross-community engagement. Note that you are eligible to apply if you don’t currently deliver cross-communities activities and this funding support would enable you to do so.

To check you are eligible and make sure you have all the information you need to apply, please read the frequently asked questions below. 

You can apply for up to £2,000 to support your organisation’s delivery. You can only apply for one grant per organisation.

Friday 25 April 2025

It can be used for anything that will support your organisation to continue and/or grow your activities in your local community. Typical examples of costs might include a contribution towards:

  • Participant fees
  • Venue hire
  • Utilities such as heating or lighting
  • Equipment
  • Coaching costs
  • Marketing and communications, including sponsored ads or training in this area
  • Volunteer expenses
  • Kit
  • Training and qualifications
  • We are unable to fund trips abroad
  • Any costs associated with elite sport or talent development
  • We cannot fund individuals
  1. Bank details – We will need to see a bank statement or screenshot from online banking. This should be dated within the last 3 months and show account name, sort code and account number so we can make payment. We do not need to see any transactions or balance. The account name should match the name of the organisation applying.
  2. Governing document g. Club Constitution or Articles of Association, or link to details on Companies House / Charities Commission. This is to ensure you are a not-for-profit organisation.

Sported can offer support to organisations if you do not have these requirements in place.

We will also ask you to self-declare that you have the necessary policies in place to deliver activities safely. This will include an up-to-date safeguarding policy, health and safety policy and relevant insurance cover.

The funding should be spent by February 2026, to allow us to assess and report on the impact of the programme within the 25/26 season.

You will be required to complete a short feedback form to help us understand how the funding has supported your organisation. You may also be selected for a grant audit so please keep copies of invoices paid and receipts for any items connected to the grant. We will also ask for quotes and images and may request to visit some groups to develop case studies. This will be optional.

All applicants will be contacted by Sported by 12 May 2025. Successful applicants will receive their funding in June 2025 to enable you to best plan for the incoming 2025-26 season

We will accommodate different accessibility needs to give organisations the best chance of communicating their idea and plans with us. This could be arranging a conversation with a member of our team to provide clarity on the questions or processes or providing information and the application form in accessible formats. We will consider any requests for accessibility that will reduce a barrier to applying.

Please get in touch at 

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