Cymru / Wales

As Wales’ largest network of local community sports groups tackling inequality for young people facing disadvantage, Sported empowers the local heroes running community sport groups to strengthen communities and create brighter futures.

We have a particular focus on tackling inequalities.

1 in 3 young people in Wales live in material deprivation.

Marginalised groups such as ethnic minorities, Women and Girls and disabled young people are significantly less likely to benefit from the positive social outcomes of engaging in sport and physical activity.

Sported Wales is there to create opportunities and support clubs and organisations to make a transformational impact.

If you’re interested in help from Sported or partnering with us, contact Richard Thomas, Wales National Manager, on 07775602164 or email

Our Programmes

In partnership with CVC Capital we are distributing grant funding into Wales most deprived communities.

With the support of WCVA, Sported is building the capacity and capability of our network to access funding opportunities. Over £600k has been directed into our network as a result while we are driving solutions to address the decline in volunteering across the community sector.

We bring together organisations in Rhyl and the surrounding area to create place-based solutions which are created and delivered by the community.

Working in partnership with Disability Sport Wales, Sported is supporting our groups to be more confident and capable of supporting young people with disabilities.

Sported is partnering with Vodafone on sports.connected to offer free connectivity, digital skills training and a grant giving scheme to support the vital work undertaken by community groups in engaging young people, tackling inequality and boosting health and wellbeing through sport.

Tackling digital inclusion, Vodafone has pledged to help over 200 of Sported’s community groups provide opportunities to over 12,000 young people.

We address inequalities in participation for marginalised groups, especially those from LGBTQ+ communities across North Wales.

A Sported Story

Latest news

Sported WCVA Volunteering Project cover

Solving the Volunteering deficit


Led by Sported with backing from the Welsh Council for Voluntary Action, we have published research into the challenges in recruitment and retention of volunteers – and the solutions which can benefit clubs, communities, and those giving up their time.

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Team photo of Wrecsam Rhinos inclusive rugby club

Tacking inclusivity – head on

Wrecsam Rhinos aren’t just a rugby club for the gay community – they’ve adapted their needs to ensure those with differing needs are welcome onto the pitch.

Read more on their story

Case Study: Bedlinog RFC

Entirely volunteer-led, Bedlinog RFC is a vital support system for nearly 200 young people facing various disadvantages, including the risks of exclusion from education and involvement in crime and antisocial behaviour..

Read more on their story

players warming down after a game on pitch

Case Study: Horn Development Association


In Cardiff, the Horn Development Association stands as a beacon of hope and unity, delivering a diverse array of community projects with a special focus on Black, Asian, and other minority ethnic communities.

Read more on their story

Community Pulse, Winter 2024


We ask group leaders in the Sported network what is happening on the ground for grassroots sports groups. 

Read the analysis of results from groups in Wales

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A group of young people with their hands in the middle

Consultation with young people 

We ran focus groups with 97 of young people (with lived experience of disadvantage) from across our Sported network in Wales, to share their experiences, understand what is important to them and establish how they and help shape
the provision of sport and healthy activities in their community.

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Fel rhwydwaith mwyaf Cymru o grwpiau chwaraeon cymunedol lleol sy’n mynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb ymysg pobl ifanc sy’n wynebu anfantais, mae Sported yn grymuso’r arwyr lleol sy’n rhedeg grwpiau chwaraeon cymunedol i helpu eu grŵp i oroesi fel y gall pobl ifanc yn eu cymunedau ffynnu.

Rydym yn canolbwyntio’n benodol ar fynd i’r afael ag anghydraddoldeb. Mae 1 o bob 3 pherson ifanc yng Nghymru yn wynebu amddifadedd materol. Ochr yn ochr â grwpiau ymylol fel BAME, Menywod, Merched a phobl ifanc anabl, maent yn llawer llai tebygol o elwa o ganlyniadau cymdeithasol cadarnhaol yn deillio o gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon a gweithgarwch corfforol.

Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol i bobl ifanc drwy ffurfio partneriaeth â Sported, cysylltwch a Richard Thomas, Rheolwr Cenedlaethol Cymru ar 07775602164 neu