Sport England

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Our valued partnership with Sport England enables us to provide expertise and support to members in marginalised communities across our network of community groups. 

Offering a wide range of support to develop projects and sustainability plans, we can help engage and protect organisations.  

Through the development of leaders, we can support them to create resilient, responsive clubs who can survive testing circumstances and be better prepared for the future…whatever it may bring.

With Sport England funding, we work with groups and partners to gain a better understanding of the community safety and young people landscape in terms of good practice and challenges, to help inform how we can most effectively support groups in this space.

We deploy learnings from two focus groups and set up a Members network to shape our support offer. In addition, we have facilitated a partners’ network – with 21 Active Partnerships participating, as well other partners such as StreetGames – to explore how we can work more collaboratively across the sector and share insight.

Read more about our work.